all of your store views. You will mostly likely us this approach to load custom css and js, instead of loading unnecessary files on all your pages.
A. Loading style sheet and Javascript on specific view.
<?xml version="1.0"?><layout>
<catalog_category_default><reference name="head"><action method="addCss"><stylesheet>css/bootstrap.css</stylesheet></action></reference>
B. Remove block on specific views of your store.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<remove name="footer.newsletter"/>
Wait! What if you want to add custom style sheet and javascript only to specific CMS pages? [VIEW SOLUTION HERE].
Magento is a heavy system, so do your best to use as little recourse as possible. to boost the
over roll performance of your store. I hope this article was helpful to you, please leave your question/s on the comments section below and I will do my best to answer back.